Dear friends,

After many months of prayer, I have decided to write another book. My topic will be the 7 female martyrs that are listed in the ancient Roman Canon (“Eucharistic Prayer 1”). After dedicating my pilgrimage last year to St. Cecilia, the 7 martyrs keep coming to mind as a great book topic. They are:
St. Agnes
St. Cecilia
St. Lucy
Sts. Perpetua and Felicity
St. Anastasia
St. Agatha

I‘m envisioning it as a longer work in progress, as I‘d ideally like to visit the locations of their martyrdom and/or extant relics. It will encompass history, spiritual meditations, and photographs. Alas, some areas (such as the ruins of Carthage in Tunisia, site of Perpetua and Felicity’s martyrdom) may not be possible.

Here is where I need your help. I‘m looking for a good title for the book, preferably from Scripture, that encompasses the theme of these female martyrs. Also, if you would trust me, I would be overjoyed to borrow any first-class relics you might have of these saints while I write. I would keep them safe and pay all postage fees. Most of all, please pray for this project that will begin after I finish my graduate certificate with the Avila Institute this summer.

God love you and bless you,
Matthew Manint

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