4 thoughts on “A New Icon”

  1. Very nice! It is so difficult to come across pictures, books, etc. on Blessed Charles in English. Congratulations and Happy Birthday!

  2. I do not know how “connected” you are with the Jesus-Caritas groups in the USA but the (Lay) Fraternity in Boston is coming out with some very nice medals and a few assorted design Jesus-Caritas crosses (pendants and lapel pins) to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Blessed Charles’ death. If you like I can forward their email to you which included photos of the soon-to-come items. Contact me via email.

    1. Deacon, I have seen the medals and images you’re speaking of – I keep up with that group on Facebook. I would certainly like to receive an email from you with the images, and also just to keep in touch with you. God bless you, be holy!

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